Wednesday, April 17, 2013

what could (should) love be....

"’What' and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening as words come, but put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. You need only the courage to follow your heart... I don't know what a true love feels like... a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for... but I'd like to believe if I ever felt it, I'd have the courage to seize it.”
This is part of Sophie’s letter to Claire in “Letters to Juliet”, but this isn’t fiction, it’s the reality for many people, to little kids who think that loving is like being the greatest friend, to teens that think they’ve experienced true love and to those who had a tiny taste of it, to adults trying to manage their lives while trying to find the right one and even to the elder, when they try to find one last chance to be happy.
In the end what’s love? Chemistry says we fall in love because of the hormones, others can tell that it’s result of physical attraction and others may even say that’s just  something made to make us feel bad, but for me love is so much more than hormones, physical attraction or even bad things, for me love is something that we develop for someone, a guy (or girl) may not have the society’s beauty standard, but if we get to spend some time with them in the end you get to know that appearances are superficial and that the inner persons counts too, some may be thinking that I’m just saying this because it suits the text but it’s not it, I’ve been through it and trust me I know what’s like.
It’s also more than just ran into some guy have the feeling that he’s perfect and a week after that they think they’re in love… Is more than having butterflies in stomach, more than an accelerated heartbeat.
Love, in the end, it’s the ability to look the person we love and be able to fall for them again, accepting their defects and qualities, picturing yourself next to them for the next few years, sharing stories and experiences, missing them as soon as they say “I got to go” and in the end but least is the person that makes you believe that you’ve a definition of love, or even makes you believe that it exists.
Sometimes is hard to believe in love, but it exists, trust me, if it didn’t why would we be here anyway?

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