Monday, September 23, 2013


From Disney Channel's Austin & Ally here's a great song !

"And I wonder if you miss me too.
If you don't here's the one thing that I wish you knew.

I think about you every morning when I open my eyes."

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Project Unbreakable

I found out about this amazing project today while I was on Facebook, I spotted an article from a popular magazine here in Portugal and curiosity hit me.
Shortly, this project began 2 years ago, with Grace Brown, a 19 year old student that heard her friend talking about her abuse. That gave her the idea (and the project that she needed) behind "Unbreakable", challenging the victims to send her pictures and the most pain full thing that the aggressor said them.
The internet disclosed the project that was a tribute to the unbreakable braveness of the victims.
She posed first as an appeal and soon the volunteers appeared .
After 2 years she has more than 2 000 photos on her Tumblr page.
The visit is well worth and touching.
The page also has a store, where you can buy stickers (1.50$) and bracelets (2.50$) and a donation link :)

“The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them.”

Stephen King


"The smile on your face let's me know that you need me"
Sometimes it's like I care about everyone and no one cares about what I feel

“What do you want to do when you grow up?”

Everyone asks me this since I remember, my answers were: police women, firefighter, astronaut, psychologist, store owner…  All that kids usually say and the influences we have from the family.
Back in that time I knew I had a lot of time to figure it out, but now I’m 16, almost 17, one year away from college and now I ask myself that same question, “What do I want to do with my life?”, but now I have no answers.
I’m told to choose what I like to do, but yet they tell me to choose something where I can have a good wage, something that has big demand so that I won’t end up unemployed. You know what? That’s bullshit, how am I supposed to follow something that I like, something that I want to do for the rest of my life, when I’m being pressured for something that’s not even my fault, something that’s just a big excuse for people in 20 years say “I choose this degree because the one that I really liked couldn’t get me a decent job” and then be unhappy with it and whenever it’s possible to complain? I don’t want to be like that, I don’t want to be doing my job counting the minutes to go home, I want to always give 100% or more in what I’m going to do, I want to count the seconds to start doing my job, I don’t even want to call it a job, because when people do what they like it’s not a job anymore.
Maybe that’s the scariest part, not the possibility of being unemployed for a long time, the responsibility of choosing something you have to do for the rest of your life and like doing it for 5, 10, even 30 years without thinking about quit the job.
What can I say, I’m 16, and I don’t have a clue of what I want to do with my life, I know what I like to do, but I don’t know if I like it enough to do for the rest of my life, and probably is going to be that way until the very last moment possible.

“That’s when I first learned that it wasn’t enough to just do your job, you had to have an interest in it, even a passion for it.” Charles Bukowski

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Everyone has a clear shot, they just need to find the perfect moment, because sometimes there are no second chances


Sometimes I don't know if it's worthed... bit whenever I think it's not I end up doing it ...

Sunday, May 19, 2013


"You've got a heart as loud as lions
So why let your voice be tamed?"

Simple thought #1

The moment you don´t even know who you are anymore

Monday, April 22, 2013


Every day we seek for the true meaning of life but we never get to know it, and whenever we think we found it someone dies without doing what we thought to be the meaning of life.
Since we’re born, and we start to realize that we’re here by chance, we try to understand why we are here, why he are we like this, why are we so different from other species… but the bit of a response we get is contested by the fact that there are more than 7 billion other people out there in the world, adding those who born every day and subtracting those who die, so because of that the smaller bit of a response turns into a the biggest question.
What is the ultimate meaning of the life? No one really knows it, but probably because it should be personal, since we are so different from those who are around us probably we don’t live for the same reasons, this said, until we find something that could be the general meaning of the life, I stay loyal to what I think that might be the ultimate response to this problem, so the ultimate meaning is personal. Every single person lives their life in a different way, choosing different paths, following different values, trying to fit somewhere, and, that’s we are here for, trying to be ourselves and accomplish happiness, the one that makes us feel like we are us and no one else but us.
It’s true that not everyone does everything they want before dying, but those persons experienced some happy moments in their lives, some more than others, but they experienced it, that’s something that we all did before we died, we were happy someday in our lives.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

what could (should) love be....

"’What' and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening as words come, but put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. You need only the courage to follow your heart... I don't know what a true love feels like... a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for... but I'd like to believe if I ever felt it, I'd have the courage to seize it.”
This is part of Sophie’s letter to Claire in “Letters to Juliet”, but this isn’t fiction, it’s the reality for many people, to little kids who think that loving is like being the greatest friend, to teens that think they’ve experienced true love and to those who had a tiny taste of it, to adults trying to manage their lives while trying to find the right one and even to the elder, when they try to find one last chance to be happy.
In the end what’s love? Chemistry says we fall in love because of the hormones, others can tell that it’s result of physical attraction and others may even say that’s just  something made to make us feel bad, but for me love is so much more than hormones, physical attraction or even bad things, for me love is something that we develop for someone, a guy (or girl) may not have the society’s beauty standard, but if we get to spend some time with them in the end you get to know that appearances are superficial and that the inner persons counts too, some may be thinking that I’m just saying this because it suits the text but it’s not it, I’ve been through it and trust me I know what’s like.
It’s also more than just ran into some guy have the feeling that he’s perfect and a week after that they think they’re in love… Is more than having butterflies in stomach, more than an accelerated heartbeat.
Love, in the end, it’s the ability to look the person we love and be able to fall for them again, accepting their defects and qualities, picturing yourself next to them for the next few years, sharing stories and experiences, missing them as soon as they say “I got to go” and in the end but least is the person that makes you believe that you’ve a definition of love, or even makes you believe that it exists.
Sometimes is hard to believe in love, but it exists, trust me, if it didn’t why would we be here anyway?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

With love

Thomas Merton once wrote "Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone. We find it with another." But someone else wrote “If you love someone, let her go”
Probably you realized what this is about, if you were thinking that this is a letter to end up with everything, you’re right. The truth is you have everything to be a perfect men, indeed you are my perfect men, you are everything I could be looking for in a guy, but how can I know if that’s what’s I really want? You may not know but most of my choices weren’t made for my pleasant, I just made them to make someone else happy and that time I thought it would make me happy too, but it didn’t , so here I am, living something I don’t like. I’m not saying that I don’t like you, I’m telling you that this was too rushed, because in the end I don’t really know you, I just know a part of you, and I don’t want that, but in the end it’s not the only reason, there’s another, but I started with this one because is more understandable, at least I think, but I really hope you understand the other as well.
So… the second reason is that I met a guy a few weeks before what happened between us, and a few days after it, things between me and him went a bit more serious and you have to understand, my happiness and yours too is at stake, and I can’t afford to condition my life to someone that’s far from me, that I don’t know if we could have a real relationship when if we were together every day.
I really hope you understand, but I have to bet more safely, and “we” are a huge risk that I can’t afford to take.
I’m sorry for any sadness I may cause and I understand if you don’t want to talk, but I hope to hear from you soon
With Love 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Boldness… the future depends on our capacity to be bold, the boldness to tell yourself to choose a different path than the usual, the boldness to go out for a walk in a strange place, the boldness to talk to a stranger, it may seem odd or even silly but this is what shapes our future, because not doing this things could cost us not meeting someone, not having a life defining experience or not even find ourselves.
What leads us to that boldness? Why are we lead to do things differently than the usual?
There are many answers, some say that it was destiny, others will say that was God, others may say it was chance and others will say it’s just free will, but what could be the right one?
Maybe it’s not even worth to ask, because whether we’re right or wrong this boldness will keep exist, and when you find the answer to what leads us to be bold you’ll just ask yourself why…  Why did destiny want me to do this? Why did God make me to do this? Why did the chance get me here? Or simply Why did I want to turn left? Once you find the answer you’ll question it and everything that comes after, and then, instead of questioning only our future, we’ll question the reasons that got us there, the situations that made it got us there and everything related to that
Can we know the reason of everything? I say know, because human beings naturally question everything, so whatever the answers we get, more questions will emerge and more doubts will be created
So, do we have certain about anything of the future? No, because we can’t even be sure of ourselves or even the world we live in.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Need you now

Can’t find you anymore, it’s like you have disappeared from the world.I miss your face, your eyes, you smile. It’s like it was yesterday that you made me so happy, like nothing else in the world mattered but now all I feel is a half empty heart waiting to be filled (with you). Every day, there’s something that reminds me about the past, I’m stuck to it, as hard as I try I can’t move on Do you feel the same? I have no clue, you’re the one I can’t read, the one I can’t know no more how he feels, the one I won’t have, but although I know all that I still can’t move one and I still care about  you, maybe too much, whenever I  see you suffer, I just want to run to near you and ask you what happened and stay there as long as you needed me and then I wake up to reality and I realize that maybe you just don’t want to see me or talk to me.
I live in this shadow of what we used to be, waiting for the sun to hit it again and then maybe you would notice me again and realize that I’ve been there since always, I thought you knew it but apparently the “appearances” worth more than everything we’ve been through.
Sometimes I think I’m just making all up, that this is me dreaming out loud, and now I’m feeling like a philosopher thinking about the existence of the reality, but not the whole, just ours, or more correctly the one I may have made up and lived in for 4 years.
The one thing I really know, is that I exist, you exist and that we are apart, maybe for too long, probably more than we should, but anyway, I still love you.